As you probably know, I'm the author of the Lone March Series. I write all sorts of things, though much of it tends to be in the YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres.
Besides writing books, I am a singer-songwriter/musician. My songs, which I generally refer to as quirky anti-folk, are accompanied by my guitar, affectionately known as Bertram, who’s been with me for over ten years. I've also made one music video and if you look to the right of this page, you should see it around the middle of the right-hand column.
Some years ago, never mind how long precisely, I spent the most glorious year of my life to date in England, studying at the University of Leeds, as an exchange student from the University of North Texas, where I will soon graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in General Studies. My three areas of concentration are Music, Film/Theatre Arts, and Creative Writing. I am a complete nerd for all these subjects. I only mention England because if you're paying attention, you'll find out pretty fast that I'm a serious anglophile.
I love reading, cold weather, writing longhand on rainy days, and globetrotting. I am addicted to coffee. I stay up late and wake up early; sleep is my least favorite obligation.
And now you know [almost] everything about me;)