Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Official Teasing for Moon-Burn is About to Begin

Got a fun little tidbit to share with you guys soon.

Actually, I have lots, but only one you're getting 'soon'.

Obviously, I'm not going to tell you what before I reveal it or else I might as well just reveal it now.  But I will give you some hints:

1. It will be [a very teensy bit of] content from book three, Moon-Burn.

2. It will not be any images or  mock-covers.  Way too early for that.  That's more of the cherry, once the sundae has been assembled, meaning months away.

But while we're on that, I see no problem in sharing this, as it will not reveal anything concrete about it: the cover of Moon-Burn is going to be brilliant.  Pretty much my favorite cover so far.

That is all.  I will be releasing this tidbit some time in the very near future, so just mosey over for another visit here when you get a chance, and, who knows? perhaps you'll find something interesting...


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dancing Books

I saw this today and thought I would share.

Lovely, isn't it?  I love stop motion.

Happy Sunday, friends.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Quick Reminder

There are just five days left on the double giveaway of Moon-Linked + Moon-Ache e-books, on Brandi's book blog, so anyone new to my blog, who, thusly, has not read my books, enter the contest and see if you can get them for free!

Enter Here.

That's all for now, folks, have a great weekend!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best Birthday Present Ever: An Author Interview!

Hey, guys!  Hope you all had a great Holiday season.  I surely did!  I have 4 (yes, 4!) little nephews now, and this was the first Christmas with all of them, so I had a blast.  And champagne + fireworks + kiss @ midnight = pretty magical New Year's Eve:)

Now that we're caught up, here's the news.  As mentioned in my previous blog, I had an interview come out today!  I thought there would be two, but I was wrong about the date for the second one, so I will update this post when it's available.  The one that did come out today was conducted by the Were Vamps Romance Book Review site >read it here< and they also reviewed both books.  Melissa was really great throughout the process, and if you like review sites, you should check it out.  I talk a little about my writing process for Moon-Ache, developing the character of March, how long the series will (probably) be, and what else I'm working on, as well as some other stuff.  Anyway, I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you all enjoy it:)

More Later,