Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moon-Burn's Spotlight is up!

The Bibliophilic Book Blog did a spotlight on Moon-Burn!  It looks great and it was really nice of them to put it together!  Anyway, here's the link:

Yay for me and March!

Gotta pop off now and get back to work:)



  1. Waiting for a book in a series to come out is such a miserable feeling. It takes about a day to finish a book, then once you're completely sucked in, you must wait for months for the next one to come out. It's awful.

  2. i know exactly how you feel. no, seriously--i do. i have no patience for things like this and spend most of my time in antsy anticipation of some book or movie i'm nerding out over to be released. it sucks. and, as the author of a book you are waiting for, who totally understands being on the other end of it, i would just like to say i'm sorry you can't have the whole series all at once. i can't wait for you guys to find out what happens in four--five--six. i'm having so much fun writing them and i hope you will continue having fun reading them. of course, this is all just me assuming. for all i know you could just be arbitrarily posting on my blog but talking about some other book to come out, in which case, disregard this comment, and also maybe tell me what book you are talking about... ^_^

    i'm flattered by your enthusiasm; thanks for reading!

    ps. it won't be much longer now. Book 4 is set to release in November.
